Do You Set Yourself Personal Goals?

Do You Set Yourself Personal Goals? Most people understand that having a clear and measurable goal will greatly increase the chances of achieving it. And most people know they should have clear business goals, even if they haven’t actually got a finished plan. But I’m amazed at how few people have clear personal goals!

Personal goals; what ten things would you like to achieve in the next ten years?

Imagine that your list will be made up from any combination of things that you want to Be, Do, and Have. What would you absolutely insist upon including if you could only have ten? You can start with more – start with a hundred if you wish, but what would be in the top ten?

Few people give much thought to this and end up ten more years through their life and realise that they didn’t actually achieve a single one of the top ten. It’s because we need to be very deliberate about this – have a plan and attach a timescale.

It’s easy to end up living day to day. In ways that are completely contrary to our goals, maybe even our values. The day to day and year to year pass by unnoticed if you let them.

Perhaps your top ten would include things like:

  • Climb a mountain
  • Go on safari
  • Find that significant other
  • Teach your children a life skill
  • Buy a new house
  • Learn a language
  • Start your own business
  • … or whatever matters to you.

Make that list, do it now, before another day goes by.

Now, which one from that list will you turn into reality THIS year? If you’ve identified ten things to be, do, and have in the next ten years, you need to make one happen every year on average. It’s easy to think of them all being at some unspecified future date, but seriously, which one will you make happen this year?

Break it into steps

The chances are that for a goal to make it on to your top ten list it’s probably going to be significant – more than something you can do in ten minutes on the spur of the moment. So start by breaking it down into separate steps. If it’s something that will be costly, start by finding out the actual price. Once you know the price, work out how much you’d need to save or to earn per month to afford it. In twelve months.

What price?

Top ten goals rarely come easily. What are you willing to do or to give up to achieve one of your top ten life goals? It may involve additional work, sacrificing short-term treats, or personal comfort. Maybe it would involve stepping out of your comfort zone? And if you’re not willing to pay the price, don’t fool yourself that it’s a top ten goal.

Who will hold you accountable?

A good way to ensure you achieve a goal is to have someone hold you accountable. I’m not saying you’ll enjoy being held to account, merely that for most people it’s a necessity! Choose a friend, family member, or go public. Feel free to add a comment here and say publicly what you’ll achieve by when!



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