Most when asked can rattle off a lot of stats about themselves. What they do well. What skills they have. The languages they speak. The programs we have mastered. Most of us know our personality and learning styles and a whole list of other intellectual assets we possess. But how many of us know where we land on the Emotional Intelligence scale? What is your Emotional Quotient?

There are quizzes you can take and books you can read to help you assess your Emotional Intelligence. Ask yourself a few questions as posed by Travis Bradberry Ph.D, in his book Emotional Intelligence 2.0.

Now be honest, how many of these questions can you answer yes to…

Have a robust emotional vocabulary?
Are your curious about people?
Do you embrace change?
How well do you know your strengths and weaknesses?
Are you a good judge of character?
Are you difficult to offend?
Do you know when and how to say NO?
Do you let go of mistakes easily?
Do you hold grudges?
How well do you neutralize toxic people?
Do you get fixated on trying to achieve perfection?
Do you readily appreciate what you have?
Do you stop negative “self-talk”?
Do you limit joy in your life?

If the answers are a mixed bag, you may need to take some steps to fill your emotional intelligence account and raise your Emotional Quotient (EQ) score. Not unlike a credit score, there are small actions you can take over time to raise you EQ and there are some actions that can have a devastating affect on your EQ and your ability to achieve consistent and steady success.

Emotional Intelligence is becoming more and more important in today’s business world. Why? Because studies show that the higher your emotional intelligence is the more likely you are an effective leader and are an asset to your company or business.

But what is Emotional Intelligence and what do people with a “high score” do to that sets them apart?

Merriam Webster defines Emotional Intelligence as “the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically.” (, 2020) contributor Justin Bariso outlines 13 signs of High Emotional Intelligence in his 2018 article.
Not surprising, emotional intelligence is really a measure of how you treat others and how self-aware you are…

You think about feelings
You pause
You strive to control your thoughts
You benefit from criticism
You show authenticity
You demonstrate empathy
You praise others
You give helpful feedback
You apologize
You forgive and forget
You keep your commitments
You help others
You protect yourself from emotional sabotage

The concept of Emotional Intelligence was introduced in 1995 in a book called Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman Ph.D. His articulation of Emotional Intelligence (EI) allows employers and business owners to evaluate their team at a higher level. Separate from skills or competency, EI identifies the impact individual behaviours have on others.

In today’s marketplace, as we all face the added stress of the restrictions and requirements of the COVID 19 crisis globally, EI is a critical skill that business owners and employees need their staffs to actively work on. From front line employees to upper level executives, a high EI can be the difference between a thriving company or a withering operation.

Like any other skill, raising your EI takes practice and once again offers some ways you and your staff members can raise their EI accounts. People with well-developed EI seem to get what they want and navigate even the most daunting challenges with grace. These EI ninjas have some very powerful habits they consistently practice. These habits are sometimes hard to develop and harder yet to put into practice, but they are worth the work because as your EI raises, so does success.

Habits to Practice to Increase Emotional Intelligence as outlined by Bill Murphy contributor of

Seek support – don’t try to go it alone
Watch language used – consider carefully how words impact others and are perceived
Don’t make assumptions – ask don’t wonder or conjecture – first seek understanding so you can be understood
Embrace silence – learn to be comfortable not adding words to fill the gaps that might dilute your meaning
They know when to focus on others – it isn’t all about you. Your success depends on the success of others.
Admit their shortcomings – you are not perfect and you should be honest about your mistakes, taking ownership and responsibility
They don’t assume the worst – doomsayers are often less successful than those who can find the silver lining or at least find learning in every situation

In a world of uncertainty and with all of our accounts in need of a refill, working on your EI or EQ can be the most effective way to raise your satisfaction and your success. If success increases, so do all your accounts.