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Tag Archives: Success

There is one simple rule to apply when considering your next team building exercise. ‘Dream teams’ can’t built through information or training alone. Seminars, reading books and watching videos are all helpful strategies but as the saying goes “action speaks louder than words”. Being able…

Many more of us are working from home. For some, this is a new experience, or it could be something that’s already been done for a while. But unless you have a separate office or a sound-proof room, it’s very easy to be distracted by…

Get caught up with BizX 2022!   How much do you invest into yourself and the growth of your business? Whether it be webinars, networking or books, it can all feel too fragmented. If that resonates with you, BizX might just be what you’re looking…

Do You Understand Why Your Customers Buy? The first thing to understand about selling is why people buy your particular product or service over your competitors and what it is that they really buy into. People buy only two things: Good feelings Solutions to problems…

Effective leadership and good communication are key ingredients to having a successful team, but it’s so easy for the day-to-day to get in the way of this. Regular meetings can be a great way to stay in touch with your team, ensure everyone is working…

Now you’ve got your business plan, it’s structured, detailed and a great reflection of your company and growth aspirations. This is your business strategy on paper and now is the time to put it into action! To do this we need to break it down…

To learn, or not to learn? That is the question! Learning is inbuilt in us from an early age – we learn how to walk, how to talk, how to do our times tables. Throughout our lives we are always learning, whether that is from…

business growth

What’s the first thing that comes into your mind when you think about networking? Is it how many leads you can get or how many new contacts you can make? Well, these should certainly be part of your plan, but it’s also important to consider…

Some people have so many goals they don’t know which one to aim for first. Some people can’t think of a single goal worth aiming for. And in the middle of these two extremes, there are the people who have a select number of goals…

How you make referral partnerships work so they are of benefit to everyone involved. It is important to identify partners that make sense. What do we mean by that? If you are going to work with a referral partner then you need to consider who they…