How To Systemise Your Business So It Runs Without You …

How to systemise your business so it runs without you… Are you looking for the quickest and most effective way to create time, reduce errors and scale your profits?

As business owners, we all have this dream of building a profitable business that works without us, yet most business owners end up getting trapped in their businesses instead.

They can’t step away from for more than a day or two. They have built a machine that depends upon them and now they’re stuck.

Business owners who originally sought freedom are now chained to their business.

How did you end up here? Why are you stuck? And more importantly…

How do you break free?

The answer is simple… but it’s easier said than done.

You must remove yourself from the day-to-day operations.

Learn to clone yourself and your best team members so that the business can scale without single person dependency. You must evolve from being an employee of a business you own – to a business owner.

The solution to the problem is the development of your business systems. That is, the non-urgent but extremely important, detail orientated task of extracting, organising and optimising how your business functions.

The fact is, once your business is working without you, your life will change.

Here’s How to Systemise Your Business for Scalability and Efficiency

Systemising your business means creating a clear, replicable process for each function of your enterprise, from customer acquisition to service delivery and everything in between. The goal is to streamline operations, ensure consistency, and facilitate growth.

Document Current Processes:

Start by listing all tasks and functions in your business. This might seem tedious, but it’s crucial. Break down each function into specific tasks, then document the step-by-step process for each task. Use flowcharts, diagrams, or simple written instructions to ensure clarity.

Identify Bottlenecks and Inefficiencies:

With your processes laid out, it becomes easier to spot inefficiencies or areas that consistently cause delays. Maybe it’s the approval process for a project or a time-consuming manual data entry task. Highlight these areas for improvement.

Prioritise by Impact:

While it’s tempting to systemise everything at once, start with areas that will have the most significant impact on your business. For instance, if invoice processing takes an excessive amount of time, streamlining this process will immediately free up resources.

Implement Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs):

SOPs are detailed instructions designed to help employees perform their tasks uniformly and efficiently. SOPs reduce errors and ensure that even if a key employee leaves, another can take over with minimal disruption.

Automate Where Possible:

Automation tools can handle repetitive tasks, freeing up human resources for more value-added activities. Whether it’s automated email marketing campaigns, chatbots for customer service, or software for inventory management, identify tasks that can be automated and implement the appropriate tools.

Train Your Team:

Once you’ve set up systems and tools, it’s essential to train your team. Regular training ensures everyone is on the same page, understands the importance of the new systems, and knows how to use them effectively.

Set Up KPIs and Monitoring:

It’s not enough to put systems in place; you need to track their effectiveness. Set up Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for different processes. Monitor these regularly to ensure the systems are yielding the desired results.

Consolidate Communication Channels:

With the proliferation of communication tools, it’s not uncommon for businesses to juggle multiple platforms. Consolidate and systemise communication. Maybe Slack for internal communications, email for external, and Trello for project management. Whatever your tools, ensure consistency across the board.

Use a Centralised Management System:

Consider using a centralised system where most, if not all, business operations can be managed. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, for instance, can integrate various business processes into one unified system.

Review and Refine Regularly:

Your first attempt at systemising might not be perfect. Regularly review processes, gather feedback from your team, and make necessary adjustments. Business needs also change, so it’s essential to ensure your systems evolve accordingly.

Delegate Responsibility:

As you systemise, delegate system-specific responsibilities to team members. For instance, have a team member responsible for ensuring the CRM system is up to date or another in charge of maintaining the e-commerce platform.

Plan for Scalability:

While systemising, think about the future. Ensure that the systems you put in place can handle growth, whether it’s more customers, increased data, or additional team members.

Have a Contingency Plan:

We know systems can fail. Whether it’s a software crash, a missed step in a process, or human error, always have a backup plan. Regularly back up data, train team members on emergency protocols, and ensure there’s a clear line of communication for any issues.

Onboard Vendors and Partners:

If you work with external vendors, partners, or contractors, ensure they’re aligned with your systems. This might mean training them on your platforms or setting up shared tools for collaboration.

Celebrate Small Wins:

Systemising can be a challenging process, and it’s essential to keep morale high. Celebrate the small wins, whether it’s a successful week using a new tool or positive feedback from a team member about a newly implemented process.


To conclude, systemising your business is a journey, not a destination. It’s about continuous improvement, learning, and adapting. By following these steps, you’ll create a more streamlined, efficient, and scalable operation, ready to tackle the challenges of growth and change. Remember, systems aren’t just about tools and technologies; they’re about people. Ensure your team is onboard, involved in the process, and motivated by the positive changes systemising can bring.

Today, the mission at Bromley Action Coach and myself as a certified business coach, is to free all business owners worldwide from the daily operations of running their business.

To achieve this, we’ve developed the systems tools, systems templates and systems training to help you succeed in achieving complete business reliability.

Watch this highly valuable video which shows you the process we take business owners through to systemise their business. If you’d like a quick free chat to discuss how you can achieve this, click the link below the video to discover how!

Contact us for a free chat to discuss how we can help you and your business.

To your success!